Submit Your Sturbridge Events Here

If you're hosting an event here in Sturbridge that is open to the public, please let us help to promote your event by letting us know about it here. By using the form below, you will allow staff to help promote your event on our Twitter page, @visitsturbridge, in our monthly event newsletter and with our partners at Discover Central Massachusetts. Staff will work to promote your event as soon as it is received.

Please answer each question below in full (if a question is not applicable please just write "NA"). You will be able to preview your work before you submit it. Once you do you will receive a confirmation message that your event has successfully been submitted.  

If you have questions, comments or concerns please direct them to our Economic Development and Tourism Coordinator at (508) 347-2500 ext. 1411. 

Thank you for taking the time to share your event and we thank you for choosing Sturbridge.