
Drawing of orange-brownn leaf on light green backgroundA reminder that the fall web worm is building their nests out on the ends of tree and shrub branches (the spring web worm usually nests in the crotches of trees).  Although unsightly, they are not really hurting the tree through defoliation as the growing season is now starting to end.  If you really must, remove by hand or prune out just what is nest.  Do not try to burn out the nest as this will also burn the bark of the tree, resulting in death to that area of the tree.

Also as a reminder, the early brown leaf drop we are experiencing is from various tree fungi that attacked our trees with the wet spring and early summer.  Note which trees in your yard were affected and consider calling a qualified arborist next spring to assess the need for fungicide control.  This fall rake and remove the leaves from your yard to control next year’s inoculation.

Mulch: Now is the time to look at the mulch around your trees and shrubs. Mulch should be raked to loosen to the top surface tension so fall rains can easily penetrate to the soil.  Pull weeds and crab grass to remove next year’s seed supply.  Mulch thickness should be no more than 4” and not piled against the stem of the tree or shrub, this “mulch volcano” damages the bark surface of your plants, allowing fungi to invade, weaken and eventually kill your plants.

Woody stem shrubs and trees can be planted this month, the exception is evergreen plants.  These plants rely on their roots to pull moisture out of the ground. Newly planted evergreen plants may not develop good root system to properly survive a hard cold winter. 

Conserve water (and money!) Turn off your automatic watering systems, with the shorter days and cooler temperatures lawns require less water. 

An application fall rated fertilizer (IE: the second # higher = 10-15-5) lawn fertilizer will help your lawn recover from the summer and generate new roots for a better lawn in the spring.

Like tree tips?  Consider ordering the 2007 UMass Garden Calendar. This year’s theme is Choosing the right plants.  The UMass Garden Calendar offers daily gardening tips such as when to plant peas and how to manage grubs, beautiful color photos and lots of information. To order send $11.00 Payable to UMass, Outreach Bookstore, University of Massachusetts 101 University Drive – suiteA4, Amherst MA 010002-2385. For more information click here.