August Business Newsletter

Sturbridge Express Logo
Below is a brief summary of some of the important local items that businesses should be aware of. If you have questions regarding any of the below items, please feel free to contact the Economic Development and Tourism Coordinator

Business Advocacy Group launches "Sturbridge Express" 

We are excited to announce the Sturbridge Business Advocacy Group (B.A.G.) has organized and is launching a transportation service pilot program here in Sturbridge called Sturbridge Express starting on August 18th and running through September 22nd on Saturdays from 2pm - 11pm. 

This idea of a transportation shuttle running throughout Sturbridge has been around for several years, once considered by the Town through a trolley service. However for various reasons the project did not move forward. The B.A.G., whose members include restaurateurs, hoteliers and other local business owners, recognized the value in this program and sought to revisit this question. Through a $12,000 grant from the Sturbridge Tourist Association, the B.A.G. will launch this shuttle service pilot program this August, and will connect hotels, restaurants, and shops throughout the core of the Town. If this pilot program proves successful, the B.A.G. would like to extend the service throughout Sturbridge. 

Sturbridge Express will consist of two (2), twelve (12) passenger vans that will run consistently from 2pm - 11pm at night on Saturday's. This service is run by JYL Transportation out of Spencer. There are currently 12 stops for the van, they are: 

  1. Public House
  2. Sturbridge Comfort Inn
  3. Holiday Inn Express
  4. Sturbridge Host Hotel
  5. B.T.'s Smokehouse
  6. The Collection at Wight Farm
  7. Post Office 
  8. La Quinta Inn and Suites
  9. Cumberland Farms
  10. Micknucks Fresh Market
  11. Old Sturbridge Inn and Reeder Family Lodges
  12. Hampton Inn 

To view the current route, please click here to view the brochure that the B.A.G. has developed. Please note that in the B.A.G.'s brochure for riders it lists all businesses that are within walking distance to the stops listed above. 

The B.A.G. is asking all local businesses, restaurants, and hotels to encourage their patrons to use this service and support the Sturbridge Express. The B.A.G. has promotional materials including brochures ready in case any business would like to highlight this service. If you would like some promotional materials please click here

This project would not be possible without the hard work and dedication of the Sturbridge Business Advocacy Group, specifically their chair Cedric Daniels and member Maxine Carter-Lome who have spent countless hours making this a reality. Our thanks to both for seeing this project come to fruition. If you are interested in learning more about the B.A.G. or wish to join, you can contact the B.A.G. by clicking here

Route 15 Study Completed 

The Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) has concluded their study of the Route 15 corridor and presented their findings to the Board of Selectmen on 16 July. In their report they explore the history of the corridor, discuss existing economic conditions, and suggest potential economic sectors that could be targeted for future recruitment to the corridor. 

  • To view the final report you can click here
  • To view the presentation to the Board of Selectmen you can click here

The Board of Selectmen, Zoning Board, and Town Staff will now consider CMRPC's recommendations and will begin to move forward on advancing this corridor. As this project moves forward we will look to the business community for information and feedback. 

STA Vacancy 

There is currently a vacant seat on the Sturbridge Tourist Association and the Board is looking for a new member. If anyone is interesting in joining the committee, please review the official vacancy announcement by clicking here

The STA is the entity responsible for the support and promotion of the local Sturbridge tourist economy through their work as the fiduciary of 16.5% of the revenues collected through the Hotel/Motel Sales Tax. In fiscal year 2019 this totaled $182,221. The budget is split into three line items: (1) Community Support, (2) Marketing, and (3) salary for the Economic Development and Tourism Coordinator. The Committee meets on a monthly basis (usually 2nd Wednesday at 6pm) at which time the Committee will review grant requests from applicants seeking funding support for their local tourist initiatives. 

Worcester Magazine Print & Digital Campaign

The Sturbridge Tourist Association has begun a digital and print ad campaign with Worcester Magazine running from 1 July through the end of the year. Here the STA will highlight local events and try to draw people to our community and visit your businesses. The print campaign is for local readership while the digital campaign will outreach to neighboring New England states like Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Maine. 

If you have a special event or something unique that you think we can highlight in these campaigns, please outreach to the Economic Development and Tourism Coordinator as soon as possible so we can try and incorporate your event into the campaign. 

Town Meetings 

All upcoming Town meetings are posted on the Town Clerk's website which can be viewed by clicking here