Master Plan Process

Process Description
Community Events
Master Plan Concepts

Sturbridge pierProcess Description

The Master Planning Process was performed over two phases, as described below.

Public Participation Component 

In this phase we identified where we were at that point in tme; what was the current state of the Town - existing projects, finances, infrastructure, etc.; what did the current trends, economic conditions, and demographics tell us about our town and where it might be headed.

Public forums and community meetings were held throughout the process. The first one, was held on Saturday November 21st from 8:30 AM until 12:30 PM at Old Sturbridge Village. This forum allowed residents to describe the Sturbridge they envisioned in twenty years. Participants also broke out into groups to discuss such issues as land use, housing, open space, transportation, and economic development. Using maps of the Town, they had an opportunity to identify potential land use planning strategies for each topic area.

An important product of this task is the Vision Statement that identifies the Sturbridge of the future. The Vision Statement is distilled from lots of input from the community gathered during interviews and the public forum where residents and business owners are invited to supply their own personal visions for the future of Sturbridge.

Existing Conditions and Trends Analysis 
  • VHB worked with the Master Plan Steering Committee, Town officials and other key stakeholders to conduct an initial inventory of existing conditions in Sturbridge. This inventory established a baseline to help frame the analysis of the various Master Plan elements. Work included performing a reconnaissance of the Town and its surrounding environs, collecting data and assessing base information (building on recent planning efforts already completed), and reviewing and summarizing existing and any recently completed planning studies. As part of this task, the consultant undertook the following:
  • Conducted site reconnaissance fieldwork including identification of Town land and building use, protected and unprotected natural resource areas, recently approved developments (or areas proposed/being considered for development), wetlands and water resource areas, and an overall assessment of general physical conditions in the Town, including utilities and infrastructure.
  • Assembled available base data (reports, plans, mapping, GIS databases, etc.) from Town staff and/or the Master Plan Steering Committee, and confirmed that necessary data is available for study of the various plan elements.
  • Reviewed and evaluated existing relevant studies, including the 1988 Master Plan and 2008 Housing needs Assessment, and assess the implications of the studies and their findings for short- and long-term planning initiatives.
  • Evaluated existing land use and development patterns in Town and assessed uses to determine whether the existing inventory meets community goals. Consideration will also be given to regional development trends that may impact future Town development. In this phase, the consultants dug into the details of each plan element (or topic) and developed specific plans that  led to the vision for that particular element. Based on the data collected and analyzed, and using the community vision as a guide, a plan was developed for each master plan topic. A concrete set of recommendations was also made to implement plan goals and objectives. There was continued community involvement during this phase.
Draft Master Plan 

During this phase, VHB, with the participation of the Master Plan Steering Committee, will prepared the elements for the Draft Master Plan for review and comment. The consultant also prepared Geographic Information System (GIS) maps to identify the location of important resources and land use areas of Sturbridge.

One important aspect of the Plan is the Implementation Plan, which is a straightforward, step-by-step guide for the Town to implement the Master Plan through specific policies and other steps. This plan includes both short- and long-term action strategies.

The Implementation element includes an action plan that summarizes the actions that each party (e.g., Master Plan Steering Committee, Planning Board, Board of Selectmen, etc.) will be responsible for completing within various timeframes. VHB will also developed an Action Plan Map that illustrates the key points of the implementation plan. The map also incorporate any proposed zoning changes.

Final Master Plan and Implementation Plan

This last segment of the project was the compilation of all pertinent data, information, maps, etc. into the final documents. The Implementation Plan was finalized. VHB prepared draft documents for review by the Master Plan Steering Committee, stakeholders, and any other interested parties. These items were reviewed and all relevant changes were incorporated.

The Living Master Plan

Remember, the Sturbridge Master Plan will be a living document. It will need to be reviewed and updated at least once a year. The Master Plan Implementation Committee is charged with overseeing the Implementation Plan and reporting back to the Planning Board on progress being made in implementation. As conditions change, and as various sections of the plan are implemented, the Town may find additional projects and/or strategies with which to achieve our goals and objectives.

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Master Plan Community Events

Sturbridge residents were invited to participate in the master planning process. Their input was vital to a successful master plan project.

There were also a series of Milestone Events where the entire community was invited to participate and contribute directly to the data and information gathering process.

In addition to the Milestone Events, there were monthly meetings (usually) of the Master Plan Steering Committee and Master Plan Focus Groups during which the consultant provided updates on the plan’s status and members worked to gather data and prepare issue papers for the consultants. These meetings were all posted and open to the public. 

Community Survey

A community-wide mail survey was conducted in April and May 2010 and more than 930 responses were received, representing about 30% of Sturbridge households. Please see the presentation and final report to review the results of the survey.

Public Forum (November 18, 2010, 6:30 PM at Paige Hall at the Publick House)

Public Forum (November 21, 2009, 8:30 AM at Old Sturbridge Village)

Available Draft Master Plan chapters are listed here.

Master Plan Steering Committee meetings: 

  • Purpose: oversee planning process and review content of plan elements
  • Assist in public outreach
  • Review draft implementation plan
  • Outcome: revisions for plan elements and draft implementation plan - review action steps and potential funding sources as they relate to goals & strategies for each element and recommend revisions as appropriate - provide input for determining implementation priorities

Final Master Plan was presented in June 2011 for adoption by the Planning Board 

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Master Plan Contents

As prepared and submitted to the Master Plan Steering Committee, Master Plan documents were posted here for review.

Of course, they will be reviewed at least once a year and updated as necessary as part of the on-going Master Planning process. 

  • Community Vision and Goals and Policies Statements
  • Land Use
  • Housing
  • Economic Development
  • Natural, Cultural and Historic Resources
  • Open Space and Recreation
  • Public Services and Facilities
  • Transportation
  • Energy and Sustainability
  • Implementation Plan

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