
Wetland resource areas that fall under the jurisdiction of the Conservation Commission are not always apparent. Any proposed activity that may remove, fill, dredge or alter a wetlands resource area is subject to Conservation Commission approval. Wetlands that are subject to protection under the bylaw and regulations include banks, beaches, isolated wetlands, marshes, wet meadows, bogs swamps, lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, intermittent streams, seasonal wetlands, land under any of the above water bodies, land subject to flooding and land within 200 feet of any of the above areas.

The purpose of Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act is to protect the following eight interests: public and private water supplies, protect ground water, provide flood control, storm damage prevention, prevention of pollution, protection of land containing shellfish, protection of fisheries and protection of wildlife habitat. The Sturbridge Wetlands Bylaw is intended to provide more stringent wetlands and natural resource protection which also serves to protect/provide erosion and sedimentation control, protection of water quality, protection of rare species habitat, protection of recreational values, and protection of agriculture and aquatic activities.

Wetland Regulations